Always with a keen eye for what matters
When I began studying Economics at the start of the 90s, I was already interested in how companies handle responsibility and how this impacts society. Back then, and right up to the present day, people and their needs have always been central in what I do.
After graduating, I worked in various communication agencies and, in 1997, founded my own agency. I was already frequently being asked questions about corporate strategy at that time, above all in connection with internal communication and management issues. At the same time, topics like CSR and sustainability were becoming increasingly important and this led me back to the interests I had while studying.
In the meantime, I came to deal with these topics in more depth at academic level and I developed the teaching course in CSR Communication at Steinbeis University as a blended learning programme.
2010 saw the publication of my first book by the publishing house Gabler-Springer Verlag titled Verantwortliche Unternehmensführung überzeugend kommunizieren (Communicating responsible corporate leadership). A piece I wrote for an international anthology on the topic was commended by an international jury from Emerald Publishing as an “Outstanding Authorship Contribution”. Working as a lecturer at the HTW University of Applied Sciences and at the Media Design University of Applied Sciences Berlin allows me to pass on my know-how and take part in an ongoing exchange of information and ideas with students.
In addition to my academic activities, I was once again looking to work more closely in the area of professional praxis. In 2007, this led to a cooperation as a freelance trainer and coach for media, communications and crisis training for management. The seminars provided me with profound insights into very different companies and into the diverse perspectives of people in leadership positions. Furthermore, we implemented numerous strategic projects, mainly dealing with the topics of strategy adaptation, changes and innovations. This fruitful cooperation has proved its value right up to the present day.
Parallel to this, I came to specialize as a free and independent consultant in the areas of corporate strategy and communication – with a special interest in how they interact with one another. Since then I have been working with a reliable network of excellent specialists worldwide who are not location bound.

My customers, most of whom have been with me for many years, appreciate not only my experience but also my ability to grasp situations quickly and to find solutions with the necessary tact and sensitivity.
For me personally, open-mindedness, reliability and honesty together with absolute discretion are vital prerequisites for successful cooperation.