02 Mrz My latest book contribution: Corporate Social Responsibility Communication: Towards a Phase Model of Strategic Planning
Today I´d like to draw your attention to my latest book contribution among other interesting articles. The book „Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility: Perspectives and Practice“ was recently published at Emeralds by Ralph Tench, William Sun and Brian Jones. More information about the book you can find here: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/books.htm?issn=2043-9059&volume=6&PHPSESSID=qu532eq2ln0s5h8sl2pq29qd94
In my article I developed a phase model on strategic planning of CSR communication strategies. The phase model involves respective stakeholders into the development of the communication strategy to foster public acceptance and appreciation. The model can be transferred successfully to other communication disciplines. An abstract of the article you can find here: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/books.htm?issn=2043-9059&volume=6&chapterid=17104381&show=abstract
I am happy about your comments, suggestions and questions. Please do not hesitate to contact me personally.
Kind regards,
Bernd Lorenz Walter
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