Lived responsibility, convincing communication. Let us design your individual path together.

Do business with foresight and manage responsibly.

Shaping transformation together.

Connecting instead of unifying.

Getting the right message across.

Confident leadership and communication.

Take your life into your own hands.


Do business with foresight and manage responsibly.


Sustainable corporate management requires foresight and vision. Taking on responsibility for coming generations. Identifying opportunities for innovation and new business models. Let us lay the groundwork for great things ahead.


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR or CR) refers to the mindset of managing a company with social responsibility and with sustainability in mind. This also expressly includes assuming responsibility for future generations. ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) breaks that responsibility down into relevant criteria for the world of finance.


Examining the topic of sustainability in depth opens up ways to include it beneficially and profitably in innovations and new business models.


To make sure your company is equipped to face the future, it is essential that you start laying the proper groundwork today. Even if this means changing the entire understanding of your company and its corporate culture.

Corporate responsibility and sustainability must be communicated to be effective. And even when they are not being consciously addressed, their communicative impact is always there – internally and externally. It is therefore vital to actively design how you communicate – so that you can always give your stakeholders the right answers.


This is an area I am passionate about. It affects every single one of us – today and in future. Which is why a pragmatic and ideology-free perspective is needed more than ever before, a perspective that I can support you in.


  • Developing ESG-, CSR- and sustainability strategies and organisations
  • Drawing up analyses and deriving recommendations for action: Materiality analyses, impact analyses, SDG analyses, life-cycle analyses, due diligence in supply chains (supply chain act) etc.
  • Drafting ESG-, CSR- and sustainability reports taking bearing the relevant standards and guidelines in mind, such as
    • NFRD/CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)
    • DNK (German Sustainability Codex)
    • ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance)
    • GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
    • SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board)
    • TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)
    • UNGC (United Nations Global Compact)
  • Designing communications with conviction and tailored to your target groups. This includes:
    • Stakeholder Mapping
    • Dialogue events
    • Agenda setting
  • Giving social commitment a strategic alignment


Shaping transformation together.


Transformation requires trust in the future. Change is an essential feature of the everyday business of companies today. By providing clear leadership you can communicate the confidence needed to master change together.


For dynamic companies, transformation is a way of life. To keep pace with the competition, changes are the order of the day – especially with respect to digitalization.


One change follows another. Whether disruption or agility – new buzzwords are permanently being added to our business vocabulary. What they all have in common is the ultimate promise of success. But what methods do actually achieve your goals? What is it you even want to achieve? And can you bring the people in your company to accept that?


The success of transformation depends a great deal on value-based communication that overcomes structural and personal hurdles and mobilizes existing potentials. This is where members of management in particular must step up to the plate. They must credibly identify with the transformation and know how to circumnavigate ambiguities. They are responsible for generating trust in the change and for conveying a feeling of security to everyone involved.

As every project is unique, the status quo at the beginning of every project must be evaluated. There is an individual tailored process for every change that has to be worked out accordingly.


Let’s get to grips with this together. From assessing the as-is situation up to the final realization, I am there to help you successfully shape the transformation.


  • Developing ESG-, CSR- and sustainability strategies and organisations
  • Drawing up analyses and deriving recommendations for action: Materiality analyses, impact analyses, SDG analyses, life-cycle analyses, due diligence in supply chains (supply chain act) etc.
  • Drafting ESG-, CSR- and sustainability reports bearing the relevant standards and guidelines in mind, such as
    • NFRD/CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)
    • DNK (German Sustainability Codex)
    • ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance)
    • GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)
    • SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board)
    • TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)
    • UNGC (United Nations Global Compact)
  • Designing communications with conviction and tailored to your target groups. This includes:
    • Stakeholder Mapping
    • Dialogue events
    • Agenda setting
  • Giving social commitment a strategic alignment


Connecting instead of unifying.


Every company shares common values and rules. These provide stability and a sense of belonging in times of constant change. I look forward to supporting you in establishing a corporate culture that encourages diversity and empowers each individual within the community.


Every organization is bound by a culture that is marked by shared values and rules. And a strong culture that is distinguished by mutual respect and a high degree of integrity is now a decisive competitive advantage more than ever before – particularly in times facing a general lack of skilled ad qualified employees.


On top of that, values and rules that are shared and lived are an extremely important anchor in times of Work 4.0, agility, diversity and disruption. They convey a sense of stability, identification and belonging in the face of fast-paced changes.


Employees are increasingly seeking a higher purpose and deeper meaning in their work. An organization that manages to find a satisfactory response to this strengthens the feeling of identification internally and its reputation externally.

It is important here to empower the individual within the community, because a strong and resilient culture is not marked by unity, but by connection.


I can support you in establishing a positive working culture – from the analysis to the implementation. Dialogue is always paramount in this process, so let’s talk.


  • Drawing up analyses and deriving recommendations for action (Cultural Assessment)
  • Initiating, designing the concept for and implementing the value development process taking into consideration different models
  • Conceptualizing or moderating culture development processes in terms of strategies, defining goals, value positionings, purposes, visions and other guiding principles
  • Designing and realizing measures and instruments to develop corporate culture and values
  • Integrating compliance management systems into the corporate culture


Getting the right message across.


Communication is decisive for your success and key to positioning your company on the market. It strengthens company loyalty from within. You can count on my experience when it comes to clearly defining objectives and developing the strategies to achieve these.


Communication drives the way interest and stakeholder groups see you. And this has a considerable influence on the success of any strategy and ultimately on the contribution towards value creation. A corporate strategy must therefore always be designed with communication in mind.


A credible and impactful positioning for your company as well as a strong brand that also reaches your interest and stakeholder groups are decisive for your success – both externally and internally.

That is why it is vital to take a strategic approach to communication. The foundation for this is a comprehensive and detailed assessment of the status quo. Based on this, a clear picture of your goals is developed, and the corresponding target groups derived. Only then can the real strategic work begin.

This is a challenge that I would passionately love to take on – together with you.


  • Developing strategic communication plans including the concomitant measures
  • Drawing up analyses and recommendations for action
  • Designing internal and external communication activities and campaigns
  • Implementing the communication measures as project manager
  • Applying design thinking tools and moderating the corresponding workshops (Journey Maps, Stakeholder Maps, Persona, etc.)
  • Developing goals, visions, messages and USP
  • Establishing and implementing mission statements, guiding principles, positionings
  • Designing, Q&As, guides, manuals, corporate/success stories and other copy texts



Managing with confidence, communicating with respect.


Clear and respectful communication is fundamental to effective leadership. It generates trust and reliability in a team, especially in times of constant change. Anyone who wants to move and motivate others must be approachable and authentic in their communication.


Anyone who wants to move and inspire others, anyone responsible for managing confidently and for winning over employees to pursue a common strategy must be able to talk to people. Communication is a key skill for managers, especially in times of permanent change.


I am not a fan of methods that supposedly apply to everyone and every situation, nor do I champion one particular model. Instead, I tailor my training formats individually and make use of tried and tested, internationally recognized techniques and methods. Practical exercises that are close to real-life situations are an essential component in training courses.


  • Convincing others using authentic communication tailored to specific target groups
  • Making values, responsibility and sustainability tangible and enshrining them in your corporate culture
  • Raising awareness of how people feel on the inside and come across on the outside
  • Successfully mastering changes and crises
  • Identifying and gaining awareness for room for manoeuvre – conveying stability


  • Carry out training courses: Prepare to present yourself with success – from a TV interview to a staff meeting to personal encounters
  • Develop and carry out a training programme and learning formats
  • Draw up and edit learning scripts and texts
  • Plan and implement eLearning and Blended Learning concepts eLearning-Zertifikat)
  • Compose (crisis) scenarios and act them out in training courses



Take your life into your own hands.


It’s your decision how you live your life. If you want to approach your life with more confidence and a greater sense of calm, then I am happy to support you in that.

Unlike many people who champion today’s obsession with efficiency and optimization, it is not my intention to squeeze you dry. I am certain you are already doing that yourself – and perhaps for too long already.


If you are looking to get things done, but with more calm and less stress, then I am the right person for you.


Take charge of your life (again). When you decide to do something, then because you want to and not because you think you have to. That way you will gain a natural air of charisma and confidence, which are important prerequisites if you want to have a positive impact on others.


Being successful in our personal development is often hindered by perceived weaknesses, fears or things we have been made to believe about ourselves – mostly influenced by our parents or by unresolved emotions. This is exacerbated by career stress and personal crises, often over years. If this is the case, it helps to pull the brakes, start sorting out your inner “clutter” and claim back your focus.

I am there to support you in that process by offering different approaches, methods and techniques. Tailored to your individual needs, my coaching approach always looks at the person as a whole. This ranges from breathing properly to eating the right things, and right up to effective mental training.


The first session is there so we can get to know one another. Only then will we decide whether we want to go on to the next steps together and how to go about this.


I am looking forward to meeting you.